Suffering From Student Loan Debt? You May Have Options For Relief.
If you have recently graduated from college and cannot afford your student loan payments or fear that a recent job loss will cause you to default on a loan payment, speak with me, a professional attorney, immediately by contacting R. Richard Croce, LLC. Depending on your circumstances, you may have several practical and effective options that can successfully deal with your current dilemma.
What Sets My Firm Apart
I have unique skills and attributes to help students and alumni alike, including:
- More than 12 years of former experience serving as general counsel for the Connecticut Student Loan Foundation
- More than 25 years of legal experience in bankruptcy law and debt relief
- Experience from having represented hundreds of clients throughout Middletown, Middlesex County and beyond
- Compassion and nonjudgment, which carries over into the office environment I provide
Regardless of your financial situation, you have student loan repayment options. And with the help and guidance of a professional, your student loan can become much less of a burden. Call on me today.
I serve clients throughout Middletown, Hartford, New London, New Haven and Meriden.
Proudly Representing Students Throughout Connecticut
Because a bankruptcy filing generally does not discharge of student loan debts except in rare circumstances, many struggling to pay student loans and suffering from the burden of debt feel as though there is no hope for their particular matters. Fortunately, as a skilled bankruptcy attorney, I know that there are many alternatives to bankruptcy that can help alleviate or completely relieve you of your student debt. Debt relief options may include:
- Debt consolidation
- Deferment and forbearance
- Flexible federal loan repayment plans based on income
If you are struggling to pay your student loan debt, contact my office today via email or by calling 860-398-4573. I have the experience, knowledge and skills necessary to help you regain control over your student loans.
R. Richard Croce, LLC is a debt relief agency. I help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.